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Reports in Digital Archaeology: a Digital Antiquity Publication Series

Reports in Digital Archaeology is an online publication series devoted to issues regarding research and practice in digital archiving of archaeological materials and archaeologically related data. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript to Reports in Digital Archaeology, please contact Digital Antiquity.

NUMBER 1 Building tDAR: Review, Redaction, and Ingest of Two Reports Series, Joshua Watts (June, 2011)

NUMBER 2 Policies, Preservation, and Access to Digital Resources: The Digital Antiquity 2010 National Repositories Survey, Joshua Watts (September, 2011)

NUMBER 3 The Digital Archive of Huhugam Archaeology: Crowd Sourcing User Needs , Keith Kintigh (August, 2018)

NUMBER 4 The US Air Force CRM Program Meets the Challenges of Digital Data Curation: A Case Study Using tDAR, Francis P. McManamon et al. (March, 2019)

Case Studies, Guidance, Technical Assistance, and Other Publications

Federal Laws and Regulations Requiring Curation of Digital Archaeological Documents and Data, Cultural Heritage Partners (2012)

Case Study: Using tDAR to Manage Legacy and New Archaeological Documents and Data, the Phoenix Area Office of the Bureau of Reclamation (2013)

Case Study: Evaluating a Cooperative Approach to the Management of Digital Archaeological Records (2014):

How to Ensure Proper Curation of Digital Archaeological Records (2015)

Data Management Plans for Archaeological Research (2017)

Security and Confidentiality of Data in tDAR (2017)

Additional Useful Material

Digital Data Curation and Access: Why You and Your Organization Should be Actively Involved – An ACRA White Paper (2019)

Communication Strategy for “Promoting Synergy Between the Academy and the CRM Industry” – ACRA Sharing Data Initiative (2019)

“Disappearing Digital Data” American Archaeology Vol. 23 No. 1 (2019)