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Apr 26 / laellison

Francis McManamon to give Plenary at High-Tech Heritage Conference

Francis McManamon, Executive Director of Digital Antiquity will give a plenary at the High-Tech Heritage Conference in Amherst, MA, May 2-4, 2012. Frank will discuss the challenges of archiving, preserving, and using archaeological data in the 21st century.  Using examples from the 19th, 20th, and peering into the 21st, Frank will outline the transformative nature of digital data on archaeology’s past, present, and future, and identify some case studies and cautionary tales along the way. Learn more about the role and responsibilities of Digital Repositories and why tools like tDAR and organizations like Digital Antiquity are critical to the future of archaeology. Access a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation here: Archaeological Information: Access, Preservation, and Use in the 21st Century.