Archaeological Information Management Workshop Held in DC
On February 22-23, 2011, Digital Antiquity and the SRI Foundation sponsored a workshop on archaeological information management. Participants included representatives of many US agencies and departments, including the Department of Defense, the Bureau of Land Management, the Corps of Engineers, the Department of the Interior, the US Air Force, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Highway Administration, and the US Army. Also participating were current and past officials of the State Historic Preservation Offices of Georgia, Maryland, and Texas and two representatives of national CRM firms.
Participants reviewed the current status of archaeological information management, in particular how digital data and documents can be accessed and how they are preserved for future use. Attendees agreed on the importance of preservation and curation facilities for digital archaeological data and the challenges of access, preservation, and management. Participants considered how Digital Antiquity and tDAR could be useful to help their organizations meet data access and preservation needs. Participants also drafted an action plan to improve the current state of digital archaeological data preservation and management. Digital Antiquity will work directly with various organizations on implementation of the work plan.